International Patient Services
The International Patient Department (IPD) of GENESIS Hospital offers a comprehensive range of services for international patients:
• Coordination, management and admission of international patients in the hospital.
• Cooperation with the international insurance companies for the admission of international patients
• Provision of medical and other information and orientation of the insurance companies and international patients.
IPD comprises of trained and experienced multilingual personnel that will guide and assist every foreign patient to their admission in our hospital and throughout their hospitalization period and departure.
Moreover, there are brochures / leaflets and forms written in English, that provide information and guidelines to international patients about their hospitalization and the procedures that need to be done.
It is very essential for foreign patients to feel comfortable and secure when abroad, thus we try to provide them with the suitable environment to do so.
Services for international patients
- International Department
- Pre-travel support
- Transport assistance
- Translation services
- Transparent billing & Detailed Invoices
- Provision of discharge report in understood language
- Post-discharge support
- Special food (different diets, etc.)
- Gender specific care
- Single patient rooms
- Private bathroom
- Internet access & free wi-fi and Internet point with printing facilities
- Rooming in Service / Baby friendly Hospital
- Ambulance services
- Café restaurant / Flower Shop / Jewellery / Baby Room / Gifts for babies / Pastry shop / Automatic Transactions Machine
Moreover, GENESIS is a founding member of ELITOUR, the first Greek “cluster” related with Medical Tourism and a member of the Global Health Travel Council. ELITOUR’s main purpose is to promote health tourism in Greece and cooperate with relevant international organizations on global issues related with Medical Tourism.